What is mental health?
Mental health is a condition of our inner self and our mind. Our mental health can be said good when our mind and our inner self is in a state of calm and calm, allowing us to enjoy everyday life and allowing us to appreciate others around us.
Mental health itself is influenced by things that happen in our lives that leave a big impact on us, such as our personality or character.
If our mental health is disturbed, there will be mental illness or mental disorders. Mental illness or mental disorders can change the way a person handles a situation, relates to others, makes choices, and trigger someone to do self harm.
So how do we know whether we are mentally healthy or not?
Of course by doing a test with a psychiatrist. But before that, we can see the symptoms of mental illness or mental disorders first.
Mental disorders or mental illness can start with some of the following symptoms, including:
~Shout or fight with family and friends.
~Delusions, paranoia, or hallucinations.
~Loss of ability to concentrate.
~A constant fear, worry, or feeling of guilt.
~Inability to cope with stress or everyday problems.
~Excessive anger and prone to violence.
~Having bad experiences and memories that can't be forgotten.
~Having thoughts of hurting yourself or others.
~Withdrawing from people and daily activities.
~Hearing voices or believing something that is not true.
~Experiencing unexplained pain.
~Experiencing drastic mood swings that cause problems in relationships with other people.
~Feeling unusually confused, forgetful, angry, offended, anxious, irritated, worried, and afraid.
~Feeling sad, meaningless, helpless, hopeless, or hopeless.
~Smoking, drinking more alcohol than usual, or even using drugs.
If you are experiencing most of the symptoms listed above, it may be a good idea to go to a psychiatrist to get tested for accurate results about your mental health.
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